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Nordic Energy Expands Service into Maryland and other states

OAKBROOK TERRACE, Ill. -- - Nordic Energy Services, LLC announced recently that it has been approved by the Maryland Public Utility Commission to become an alternative electric supplier to the approximate 1.8 million customers in BG&E and PEPCO territory in the state of Maryland.

"We look forward to providing both residential and commercial customers in Maryland outstanding customer service and custom pricing solutions," said Jim Deering, President of Nordic Energy Services. "The way we do business is tailored to a user's energy needs. What one home or business owner pays for electric will be different than their next-door neighbor's."

Currently, most alternative electric suppliers offer a single fixed rate to all program subscribers. Under Nordic's custom pricing program, each customer receives unique pricing based on a complete energy review. This can be accomplished quickly through Nordic's unique online Portal, which allows their internal sales force and outside agents to provide pricing within minutes and have access to executable contracts at any time.

Nordic Energy's Northeast Expansion Plans

The entry into Maryland is just one of nine new states the company plans to roll out services to in the coming year. By mid-July, Nordic plans to offer electric services in New Jersey as well as gas services in Ohio. Extending its way into the Northeast, Nordic will also offer electric services to customers in New York and the New England region by the end of summer.

"Our goal is to continually provide all our current customers and new customers with the most high quality service and efficient programs to control their energy future," said Deering.

Nordic currently supplies natural gas and electricity with related services to residential and commercial customers behind five utilities in Illinois, five utilities in Ohio, two utilities in Pennsylvania and one utility in Indiana.

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