DCO Energy wins clean energy leadership award

LITTLE FERRY, NEW JERSEY - DCO Energy, an independent energy development company, announced one of its most successful 2009 projects has won a New Jersey Clean Energy Leadership Award, an honor bestowed by the state's Clean Energy Program.

"We'd like to congratulate the Bergen County Utilities Authority's Water Pollution Control Division for being selected as Local Government Partner of the Year," DCO president Frank DiCola said. "We were pleased to serve as design builder, project manager and operator of the combined heat and power cogeneration facility honored by this 2009 New Jersey Clean Energy Award."

First approved in 2006 and online in 2008, the Bergen County Utilities Authority (BCUA) combined heat and power (CHP) facility produces reliable, efficient and economical thermal and electric energy from byproducts of wastewater treatment. The energy produced by the CHP plant is consumed entirely by the BCUA wastewater pollution control facility located in Little Ferry, N.J.

Once powered entirely by purchased natural gas and electricity, the cogeneration facility greatly reduces the Little Ferry facilityÂ’s dependency on fossil fuels. Under BCUA's visionary leadership, the CHP cogeneration project is the first of many that will satisfy New Jersey's Energy Master Plan.

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