First Nation helps launch solar installation course

ALDERVILLE, ONTARIO - A partnership between Alderville First Nation and Fleming College is bringing green technology training to 18 students.

The official launch of the solar panel installation and maintenance-skills training program for 15 men and three women took place in Alderville, said Keri Gray of the Alderville Learning Centre.

The college is providing the instruction related to the skills and the centre is working with the students to ensure that when the program is completed in March they are job ready and have taken the necessary steps to become gainfully employed, Gray said in an interview.

The students were selected after an application and interview process, she said.

"The students are comprised of Alderville First Nation residents and surrounding Aboriginal residents that completed applications for acceptance into the program," states a media release.

"This collaboration continues the tradition of sharing and relationship building that began with our ancestors. We look forward to working with Fleming and industry partners to assist our community members and surrounding neighbours with greater accessibility to training in its alternative energy sector of employment," it also states.

Both theory and hands-on training will involve courses ranging from solar energy fundamentals and system components to mechanical design, troubleshooting, coaching and leadership, plus workplace health and safety.

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