Q&A: AESO discusses Harmattan Energy Centre Connection

- The Alberta Electric System Operator AESO provides information to industry experts and stakeholders on the need for the Harmattan Energy Centre Connection in the Didsbury Area Transmission Development.

Why is this transmission development needed?

Grande Prairie Generation Inc. has requested connection to the transmission system for its Harmattan Energy Centre to be located in the Didsbury area. The connection requires transmission system development and AltaLink Management Ltd.

AltaLink is proposing modifications to the existing Harmattan 256S substation and adding a 138 kilovolt kV transmission line from Harmattan 256S to the proposed facility. The Alberta Electric System Operator AESO has determined that the need to connect Harmattan Energy Centre can be reliably met by the proposed new development.

The AESO is processing Grande Prairie GenerationÂ’s request, including providing information to landowners, occupants, residents and agencies in the Didsbury area that may be near the proposed transmission development.

The AESO intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission AUC for approval of this need in late 2012. The Harmattan Energy Centre Connection Needs Identification Document NID will be available at http://www.aeso.ca/transmission/8969.html at the time of the AESOÂ’s application to the AUC.

Who is the AESO? Alberta's transmission system, sometimes referred to as the Alberta Interconnected Electric System AIES, is planned and operated by the AESO. The transmission system comprises the high-voltage lines, towers and equipment generally 69kV and above that transmit electricity from generators to lower voltage systems that distribute electricity to cities, towns, rural areas and large industrial customers.

How is AltaLink involved?

AltaLink is the transmission facilities owner TFO in the Didsbury area. While the AESO is responsible for identifying that transmission system development is needed, AltaLink is responsible for detailed siting and routing, constructing, operating and maintaining the associated transmission facilities.

The AESO has directed AltaLink to provide information to stakeholders on this need and to file a facility proposal application with the AUC which will include a detailed description and location of the proposed transmission development.

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