OPA program will help businesses in Elora and Fergus
ELORA, ONTARIO - Centre Wellington Hydro announced they will assist the industrial, commercial, business and institutional sectors of the township of Centre Wellington to conserve electricity, save money and benefit the environment through participation in the Electricity Retrofit Incentive Program (ERIP), a program supported by the Ontario Power Authority.
"We are excited to be a part of ERIP," said Doug Sherwood, President, who attended the breakfast seminar launch. "By taking advantage of ERIP, the commercial and industrial sector of Centre Wellington can play an important role in using electricity efficiently."
This year, both residential and commercial consumers are able to participate in the conservation initiative.
"These programs represent the largest coordinated effort Ontario has ever made to encourage consumers to use less electricity," said Paul Shervill, vice President of the Ontario Power Authority. "As Ontario moves toward re-building its electricity infrastructure, conservation efforts like the ERIP will enable residents and businesses to play a key role in enhancing the sustainability of our current power generation and distribution system."
The ERIP is for industrial, commercial, institutional and agriculture businesses that are planning changes to their lighting, HVAC systems, motors and over-all electrical systems of their commercial or industrial buildings. This program helps to reduce electricity costs and lessen the impact that traditional power generation can have on the environment.
"Everyone in Ontario needs to be concerned about electricity conservation," said Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer. "I am pleased to see the continued expansion of programs that encourage Ontarians to take immediate action and reward them for doing so."
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