ABO to build 10MW Tunisian solar park

tunisia solar panels


ABO Wind has received a permit and a tariff for a 10MW photovoltaic project in Tunisia which it plans to build and commission in 2020.

The solar park, in the governorate of Gabes, is 400km south of the country’s capital Tunis.

The developer said it plans to build the project next year in close cooperation with local partners.

ABO Wind department head Nicolas Konig said: “The solar park will produce more than 18 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year and will feed it into the grid at a distance of 2500 metres.”

The developer will conclude an electricity supply contract with the state-owned energy supplier (Societe tunisienne de l’electricite et du gaz (STEG), which will provide a fixed remuneration over 20 years for the electricity fed into the grid.

Earlier this year, ABO Wind had already secured a tariff for a wind farm with a capacity of 30MW in a tender, 35km south-east of Tunis.

The company is working on half a dozen Tunisian wind and solar projects.

“We are making good progress on our way to assemble a portfolio of several ready-to-build wind and solar projects attractive to investors,” said ABO Wind general manager responsible for international business development Patrik Fischer.

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