Developer signs 30 MW of wind deals in Ontario

VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Victoria, British Columbia-based wind farm developer EarthFirst Canada said that it has signed three "standard offer" contracts with the Ontario Power Authority to develop 30 MW of wind projects. It hopes to soon sign a fourth 10 MW deal.

Under OPA's standard-offer program, the agency agrees to enter into 20 year power purchase agreements of up to 10 MW each with developers who propose small wind farms.

OPA pays the developers a standard rate – $110/MWh – for their wind power.

EarthFirst said that it is exploring the potential for more than 2,500 MW of wind projects, including "174 MW, which is expected to be in commercial production by the end of 2009, and an additional 226 MW, which are fully permitted and expected to be tendered into the BC Clean Power call this year."

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