IEEE approves new standard, makes revisions

PISCATAWAY, N.J. - The IEEE has approved a new standard, IEEE 1610, "Guide for the Application of Faulted Circuit Indicators for 200 / 600 A, Three-Phase Underground Distribution." This Application Guide provides information on what a Faulted Circuit Indicator (FCI) is designed to do and describes methods for selecting FCIs for three-phase, 200 / 600 amp underground distribution circuits.

IEEE has also revised two standards related to high- and medium-voltage power cables. IEEE 592, "Standard for Exposed Semiconducting Shields on High Voltage Cable Joints and Separable Connectors," revises the standard from 1990. The standard provides design tests for shield resistance and a simulated fault-current initiation for exposed semiconducting shields used on cable accessories, specifically joints and separable insulated connectors rated 15 kV through 35 kV.

IEEE has also revised IEEE 1407, "Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for Medium-Voltage (5 kV - 35 kV) Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks," a standard previously approved in 1998. The implementation of this guide will allow a better description of the test data obtained by different laboratories.

The IEEE has begun work on a new standard, IEEE P1707, "Recommended Practice for the Investigation of Events at Nuclear Facilities." When completed, the standard will provide common terminology and recommended practices for initiating and conducting event investigations, analyzing data, producing results, and identifying corrective actions associated with facility personnel, processes, equipment and systems at nuclear facilities. The nuclear industry does not currently employ a common practice or approach to event investigations, which results in widely experienced terminology problems.

IEEE has also begun work on revisions to several earlier power-related standards. IEEE P622, "Recommended Practice for the Design and Installation of Electric Heat Tracing Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Systems," updates the 1994 standard to reflect the current state of technology in the nuclear industry.

Also being updated to reflect current technologies and specifications are IEEE P18, "Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors," and IEEE PC57.19.03, "Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code for Bushings for DC Applications Rated 110 kV BIL and Above."

IEEE has also approved a revision to IEEE standard C57.93, "Guide for Installation and Maintenance of Liquid-Immersed Power Transformers." The recommendations presented in this guide apply to the shipping, handling, inspection, installation, and maintenance of liquid-immersed power transformers rated 501 kVA and above with secondary voltages of 1000 V and above. This guide covers the entire range of power transformers, including extra high voltage (EHV) transformers, with distinctions as required for various sizes, voltage ratings, and liquid insulation types.

IEEE has also reaffirmed three power-related standards: IEEE 1553, "IEEE Standard for Voltage Endurance Testing of Form-Wound Coils and Bars for Hydrogenerators"; IEEE 295, "IEEE Standard for Electronics Power Transformers"; and IEEE 436, "IEEE Guide for Making Corona (Partial Discharge) Measurements on Electronics Transformers."

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