Wind-powered egg farm draws attention

SUMMERSIDE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND - Producing eggs that are a different kind of green has earned some national attention for a pair of egg farmers in Summerside, PEI.

Kool Breeze Farms has been powering its barn with electricity from a wind turbine for the past two years. Brothers Ian and Douglas Simmons keep 14,000 hens.

The green aspect of the business caught the eye of Egg Farmers of Canada, a national marketing agency. They chose the farm for the cover of its catalogue.

"Feels really good, you know." Ian Simmons told CBC News.

"It's an honour, really, when you think about it."

The turbine is just one of the things that caught the attention of the catalogue's publishers. They were also attracted to the Simmons' community involvement. Kool Breeze hosts a scarecrow festival every year for charity. It attracts about 3,000 people.

Bernadette Cox, public affairs manager for the Egg Farmers of Canada said the Simmons were perfect as examples of farmers giving back to their community, and trying to be green.

Simmons doesn't expect the exposure to bring in more money, just some local fame.

"People around, they'll certainly mention it to myself or my brother Douglas or some of our staff: 'Hey, that was a great article." You know, it's all good."

The turbine cost the Simmons $200,000. It saves them about $25 a day in electricity. At that rate, they expect it to pay for itself in five to seven years.

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