TransAlta brings online 119 MW of wind power in US



TransAlta Renewables Inc says two US wind farms, with a total capacity of 119 MW and operated by its parent TransAlta Corp, became operational in December.

The 90-MW Big Level wind park in Pennsylvania started commercial operation on December 19. It sells power to technology giant Microsoft Corporation under a 15-year contract.

The 29-MW Antrim wind facility in New Hampshire is operational since December 24. It is selling power under 20-year contracts with Boston-based non-profit hospital and physicians network Partners Healthcare and New Hampshire Electric Co-op.

The Canadian renewable power producer, which has economic interest in the two wind parks, said that upon their reaching commercial operations, it raised about USD 126 million (EUR 113m) of tax equity to partially fund the projects.

"We continue to pursue additional growth opportunities, including potential drop-down transactions with TransAlta Corp," TransAlta Renewables president John Kousinioris commented.

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