Agreement advances development of cleaner power technology

EDMONTON, ALBERTA - Siemens and EPCOR are working together on designing CanadaÂ’s first fully Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power facility.

The work is advancing with EPCOR Utilities Inc. (EPCOR) reaching an agreement with Siemens Energy Inc. (Siemens) to provide power generation technology for EPCOR's Genesee (IGCC) power facility.

This agreement is part of the continuing work being done in the EPCOR-led Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) project into the feasibility of an IGCC power plant that is designed to deliver improved air quality and capture carbon emissions for permanent storage.

"This selection marks our continued progress in finding technology solutions that can lead to low-emission power from coal," said EPCOR Senior Vice President, Dr. David Lewin. "By selecting Siemens we will be able to have a seamless integration of the gasification and power plant technologies which will be invaluable in helping to determine the viability of the project."

In August 2008 Siemens was selected to license its SFG-500 coal gasifier technology to the FEED project. If subsequent investment and construction decisions go as planned, a 270-megawatt (net) generating station using the new technology would be targeted to commence operations in 2015.

"As the key technology provider for this project, Siemens is looking forward to continuing to strengthen its collaboration with EPCOR on the Genesee IGCC Facility. IGCC power plants with carbon capture and storage make a significant contribution toward a more reliable and environmentally friendly coal-based energy supply, and Genesee will demonstrate that," stated Randy Zwirn, president and CEO of Siemens Energy, Inc.

The Alberta Energy Research Institute, Natural Resources Canada and EPCOR have each contributed $11 million to the $33 million FEED project, which is located at EPCOR's Genesee Generating Station, 70 kilometres southwest of Edmonton, Alberta. The FEED project is being conducted in conjunction with the Canadian Clean Power Coalition, which is chaired by Dr. David Lewin.

The FEED project is currently in its final phase, which is scheduled for completion later this year.

Following completion of the technology design work and financing decisions, EPCOR will enter into an agreement with Siemens to supply the components for the gasification and power facilities.

EPCOR's Genesee CCS IGCC project is also being evaluated to qualify for funding under the Province of Alberta's $2 billion program for large-scale carbon capture and storage projects.

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