DIA going solar with high-tech system

DENVER, COLORADO - Two companies will build a two-megawatt solar energy system at Denver International Airport.

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. will design and build the system, which will be located at DIA's main terminal. MMA Renewable Ventures will own and operate the system and sell power to DIA under a long-term contract.

The system, which will be up and running next year, is expected to generate 3.5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. The companies said that will reduce carbon emissions by more than 5 million pounds a year.

"DIA will benefit from a renewable energy system that is cost-effective from the day it becomes operational and for years to come," Matt Cheney, chief executive officer of MMA Renewable Ventures, said in a press release.

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ST. JOHNS - An independent consultant is questioning if the brand new Labrador Island link can be counted on to supply power to Newfoundland this coming winter.

In June, Nalcor Energy confirmed it had successfully sent power from Churchill Falls to the Avalon Peninsula through its more than 1500-kilometre link, but now the Liberty Consulting Group says it doesn't expect the link will be up and running consistently this winter.

"What we have learned supports a conclusion that the Labrador Island Link is unlikely to be reliably in commercial operation at the start of the winter," says the report dated Aug. 30, 2018.

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