Future of power grid plays integral role in 2015 Canadian Federal Election
OTTAWA, Ontario - - The future of the power grid plays a large part of the 2015 Federal Election of Canada. The Canadian Electricity Association recently responded to the campaign promises presented from each party.
The Canadian Electricity Association CEA is pleased to see the Conservative Party of CanadaÂ’s commitment to continued action on cyber security, support for emerging clean energy technologies, and initiatives to enhance skills training as announced today in their election platform.
“CEA appreciates the Conservative Party’s continued commitment to key electricity sector priorities, and in particular, a specific reference to the impacts of growing cyber threats on the electric grid”, said the Hon. Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of CEA. “As one of Canada’s ten Critical Infrastructure sectors, CEA members are operators of vital cyber systems and support measures to protect physical and cyber assets essential to Canada’s security.”
CEA is also encouraged by measures in support of emerging clean energy technologies and applauds the continued support for Sustainable Development Technology Canada which play a critical role in fostering electricity innovation and bringing new technologies to market.
Additionally, renewed support for skills training initiatives, including those targeted at Aboriginal Canadians, are critical for Canada’s electricity sector who face an acute human resources challenge. “We welcome measures to address skilled worker shortages and support flexible programs that will promote careers in the electricity sector which is in need of a new generation of skilled workers,” added Mr. Marchi.
The Canadian Electricity Association CEA welcomes the Liberal Party of CanadaÂ’s release of its full platform which outlines a set of policies that have positive impacts on CanadaÂ’s electricity system. The CEA also raises potential areas of concern.
"CEA is supportive of proposals seeking to enhance federal support for the renewal and protection of electricity infrastructure, and innovation in key technology areas such as electric vehicle integration, renewable energy, and power storage – all building blocks of tomorrow's electricity system," said the Hon. Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of CEA. "We are also pleased that the Liberal Party of Canada is following CEA’s recommendation to engage the provinces in a conversation on a national energy strategy."
"However, we caution against a hasty reversal of changes made to Canada's regulatory regime for energy projects, particularly recent amendments to the Fisheries Act that were long requested by our membership and helped modernize project approvals for new electricity infrastructure projects," concluded Marchi.
CEA appreciates the open debate on these issues that has taken place during the election campaign, including a notable exchange on electricity during the Munk Leader's debate. CEA hopes that a transparent and inclusive discussion - and consultation - will be the hallmark of any proposals made in the 42nd Parliament.
The Canadian Electricity Association CEA was encouraged to see the recent announcement by the New Democratic Party NDP of policies in support of electric vehicle integration, clean energy infrastructure, and energy efficiency.
“I welcome this NDP proposal which addresses some of Canada’s most significant energy and electricity challenges,” said the Hon. Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of CEA. “In particular, targets for electric vehicles in the federal fleet, which CEA has been calling for, is one more step in the right direction. Coupled with a Green Bonds initiative, and new programming in support of clean energy projects and energy efficiency programming, these proposals will enrich the election’s energy debate.”
Innovation and the renewal of CanadaÂ’s electricity infrastructure are key priorities for CEA. The NDP proposals address both issues and incent adoption of the technologies that will shape the future of CanadaÂ’s electricity system as highlighted in CEAÂ’s recent report Electric Utility Innovation: Toward Vision 2050.
CEA is encouraged by the meaningful debate taking place on electricity innovation and needed investment in infrastructure. This discussion could not be more timely considering the Conference Board of Canada is estimating that $350 Billion will need to be invested in upgrading electricity infrastructure during the next 20 years.
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