Areva builds out in Brazil

PARIS, FRANCE - French nuclear engineering group Areva is expanding in Brazil.

The firm announced it was awarded six contracts totaling nearly $90 million by Brazilian utility Eletronuclear. Areva will be tasked with carrying out extensive service on the Angra-1 and Angra-2 nuclear power plants in the city of Angra dos Reis in Rio de Janeiro state.

Areva will carry out examination and maintenance operations on the reactors' mechanical and electrical main components and will provide local support to meet Eletronuclear's customers' needs.

Areva will implement its integrated service concept during plant outage and during operation. Areva's offer is expected to lower operating costs for Eletronuclear and enhance reliability.

The group already provides services for both Angra plants and has been performing the yearly outages for Angra-2 since its connection to the grid in 2001.

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