Hydro One teaches students about trees during Arbour Week

TORONTO, ONTARIO - Hydro One forestry professionals are visiting 24 schools across the province to teach students about trees and the environment.

About 1,500 elementary school students are learning about the importance of trees for wildlife and the environment, the role of Hydro One foresters and the dangers of trees growing into the power lines. The presentations will conclude with planting a tree on school properties.

"Our forestry workers are skilled professionals are dedicated to the environment and care about trees and tree health," said Jack Coulis, Director, Forestry Services, Hydro One. "Visiting schools during Arbour Week is a great opportunity to promote a message of environmentalism and safety to our youth. The students also learn about working at Hydro One - these kids could be the next generation of forestry workers in the province."

Arbour Week started as Arbour Day in Nebraska in 1872 to promote conservation and counteract gradual deforestation by planting trees. It has grown over the years and is now celebrated as an official week. Hydro One has been visiting schools for 12 years and estimates more than 10,000 students have taken part in the program.

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