ING Will Use Wind Energy Credits

WINDSOR, CONNECTICUT - ING Group, which is building a new Connecticut headquarters in Windsor, said it will purchase wind energy credits equal to all the projected electricity it will use at its locations throughout the United States.

Initially, the Dutch financial services firm will purchase enough credits to cover power use this year and next. ING will invest about $600,000 in the credits, according to Philip K. Margolis, an ING spokesman in Hartford.

Like most businesses, ING can't obtain its electricity directly from renewable energy sources, such as wind. Instead, it is contracting to purchase 70,000 megawatt hours of wind-energy credits. Each credit represents 1 megawatt-hour of electricity from wind energy sources.

Producers of such energy sell the credits through brokers and the money that is raised helps pay for generating electricity by wind, cutting down on energy production by burning fuels such as coal.

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