DOE recognizes top ENERGY STAR partners

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honored businesses, regional groups, and government entities for their outstanding commitment to the ENERGY STAR program.

Organizations recognized have achieved major energy savings and/or are helping consumers save money while also increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. While saving energy, ENERGY STAR products maintain or surpass quality standards and offer improved features and personal comfort. The awards were presented to ENERGY STAR partners last night, at the annual ENERGY STAR Awards ceremony in Washington, DC.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu noted the ENERGY STAR awards, saying, “Over the past year, the ENERGY STAR partner network of product manufacturers, retailers, utility companies and energy efficiency program sponsors has helped consumers make smart energy choices, saving billions of dollars on their electric bills and displacing greenhouse gas emissions at the same time. Our partners receiving recognition in 2009 have made extraordinary contributions toward the goals ENERGY STAR was created to achieve — whether by offering high performance products, educating consumers, or offering incentives for a better way to use energy.”

DOE highlighted eight ENERGY STAR Award winners in the following lighting and appliance product categories: Whirlpool Corporation for Sustained Excellence in Appliance Manufacturing; GE Consumer & Industrial for Sustained Excellence in Appliances and Lighting Manufacturing; Gorell Enterprises, Inc. for Sustained Excellence in Windows, Doors and Skylights; Osram Sylvania for Sustained Excellence in Lighting Manufacturing; Pella Corporation for Sustained Excellence in Window Manufacturing; and ProVia Door, Inc .for Sustained Excellence in Door Manufacturing. Awards for Sustained Excellence represent the highest level of commitment over a period of years.

DOE announced Partners of the Year for lighting and appliance product categories as Bosch Home Appliances, Partner of the Year for Appliance Manufacturing, and TCP, Partner of the Year for Lighting Manufacturing.

For excellence in ENERGY STAR retailing, DOE joined EPA in recognizing LoweÂ’s as Partner of the Year for Retail. Also recognized were Best Buy for Excellence in Appliance and Electronics Retailing, Nationwide Marketing Group for Excellence in Retail Promotion, Menards for Excellence in Home Improvement Retail, and Sears Holding for Special Recognition for Retail Commitment.

DOE also noted a major partner, Actus Lend Lease for Excellence in ENERGY STAR Promotions, for its role in the “Operation Change Out” military campaign to increase the use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in military installations nationwide. EPA and DOE also tapped many other organizations for contributions to ENERGY STAR in program delivery and promotion, and to advance home energy performance. A complete list of awards is available on the ENERGY STAR web site at:

ENERGY STAR is a joint DOE-EPA program, formed in 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. DOE and EPA work to offer businesses and consumers energy-efficient solutions to save energy and money, while also helping to protect our environment. More than 12,000 organizations have joined ENERGY STAR as partners committed to improving the energy efficiency of products, homes and businesses. The ENERGY STAR label appears on more than 40 kinds of consumer products.

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