Russia warns Iran on missiles, uranium enrichment

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - Russia warned Iran that its development of rockets and continued uranium enrichment was creating the impression Tehran was intentionally ignoring the concerns of the international community.

"We do not approve of Iran's actions in constantly demonstrating its intentions to develop its rocket sector and continue enriching uranium," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Russian news agencies.

"From the point of view of international law these actions are not forbidden, but you can also not ignore that in previous years a whole host of problems were uncovered in Iran's nuclear program," Lavrov said, Interfax news agency reported.

"Until these problems can be removed I think it is advisable to refrain from steps, and especially from statements, that merely heat up the atmosphere and create the impression that Iran really has made up its mind to ignore the international community, the United Nations Security Council and the IAEA," he said.

Iran launched a rocket it said was designed to carry its first locally made research satellite next year, showing advances in ballistics at a time when Western powers are already wary it may be developing a nuclear weapon.

Iran says its nuclear program is aimed at producing electricity.

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