Origin Energy ready to provide extra power
AUSTRALIA - Australia's Origin Energy announced its Quarantine Power Station will help prevent power shortages during extreme heat.
The recently expanded station will be able to help meet increased power demands in South Australia by generating about 120 megawatts, enough to double the state's total capacity, bringing it to 216 megawatts during peak demand, the company said.
"The power station has now synchronized with the grid, run at full output and, if required, is able to safely deliver the full load of 120 megawatts into the state power grid," said Andrew Stock, Origin's executive general manager of major development projects.
Mike Rann, the premier of South Australia, welcomed Origin's announcement and said the project invested nearly $57 million in the state.
"This project delivered more than 130 jobs during construction, and it is obviously a very important investment for the state," Rann said.
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