Free Electricity Explained

Free electricity doesn't exist, except when maybe you generate it yourself. However, electricity at next to nothing is still a very attractive prospect for people who share the sames views about free energy electrical power. Purchasing a renewable energy solar electricity system is good for the environment and can slash your utility bills to next to nothing. That could still be considered free electricity. Solar power energy generation can be an investment to make money, and many solar electric power generators are selling "Free" electricity back to their electric utility, through a system called "net metering". These free energy generators show a 20 per cent return on their investment in solar power and proudly contributing to the energy conservation.
The term "Net Metering" is often defined as:
- Net Metering is selling your electricity produced by a solar system on your home back to the electric power grid.
- Net Metering occurs when your meter spins backwards as solar electricity is being produced, storing the excess energy on the grid.
- Once energy is actually being consumed, your meter spins forward to collect the energy that has been saved on your electric power grid.
- For the energy that you do not consume, the electric utility will compensate you. If you get paid enough money from the electricity that you don't use and sell to them, then that profit can be used to pay for your existing consumption, making it essentially free electricity.
A few things to watch out for when choosing to invest in a Free Electricity solar power system.
- You must conserve your energy consumption to make sure that you don't exceed kwh of solar energy produced.
- By exceeding the amount of power generated many times for the grid or saved, you are then charged regular rates for electricity provided by your electric utility.
- You must watch your solar energy production. Keep track of how much energy is produced by your system daily.
- Check your utility bill each month to insure that you are credited or reimbursed for any and all extra energy generated.
- To control your use of electricity, you might consider using a time-of-use electric meter to capitilize further on your investment.
Not all electric utilities give refunds to their customers for buying back energy free Electricity. Some utilities actually pay cash back for the excess power sold back to the grid, and others just credit their customer's for the difference of energy transferred back to the grid. Either way, it can be considered free electricity.