Electricity News 2007
January 2007 News Story Index
- Austin Energy Leverages World Energy Exchange to Procure Three-Year On-Call Electricity Supply
- Canadian Electricity Association welcomes energy efficiency measures
- Put Ontario Hydro together again
- Capacitor failure caused power dip, fire, but answers may take months
- Coal cost for electricity increases 10 per cent
- Dairying forcing up power demand; electricity growth
- Offshore wind may power Delaware
- ADB to facilitate export of electricity to Pakistan, Afghanistan
- Dion talks emissions policy, future of nuclear energy
- Man electrocuted by do-it-yourself mole-killer
- Regulators open door for Ohio utilities to promote 'green' energy
- Duke Energy CEO discourages coal-fired generation
- Duke Energy sees nuclear, coal power growth
- Duke argues for coal plants: Public can have its say on power plan
- Hydro-Quebec awards ERCO Worldwide $2.5 million for energy efficiency projects
- Entergy to be split at Louisiana-Texas line
- Cow manure packs energy: Michigan farm turns it into gas and electricity
- Green energy's poster child - compact fluorescent bulbs
- Former legislator eyed for PUC
- Residents near nuclear plants can get free anti-radiation pills in February
- Germany may end anti-nuclear policy
- Groups demand impact-study on possible terror target
- Power prices may drop for 2007
- Illegal hydro hook-up reveals grow-up house
- Profit incentives cut from Ely plan
- Indonesia to build 10 coal-fired power plants
- Silicon Valley investor upbeat on new energy bets
- Iran bars 38 IAEA nuclear inspectors
- Japan to raise renewable-power goal
- Jordan wants 'peaceful' nuclear program
- Bill would halt new coal-fired plants
- TXU, Reliant exploring rate ideas linked to daily peak, off hours
- Three hours power cut in Nepal every day
- Harnessing ocean power is no longer just a dream for New Zealand
- Fill it up... with electricity please
- Nuclear energy nearing revival
- Dion dismisses nuclear power in oilsands extraction
- PSEG selling Indiana plant at a loss
- Proposed Fresno power plant would run at times of peak demand
- Power line worries residents
- Oregon mills will produce electricity from burning wood waste
- Feds intent on prison for Wittig
- Utility seeks approval for Madison area power lines: Some residents don't see need, but group says area is growing
- Quebec plans massive hydroelectric project
- Russia, India cement nuclear ties
- Russia completes Iran nuclear plant's cooling system
- Azeri power plants start using fuel oil as Russian gas imports suspended
- Salary review before Hydro One gets CEO
- PPL Electric president steps down
- Solar-run power park planned on waterfront
- Solar power eliminates utility bills in U.S. home
- Plan for Milorganite processing calls for solar panels
- Thousands without power in U.S. storms
- Capacity of China's straw-fueled power plants reaches 1.2 million kilowatts
- Maine leaders call for tougher mercury limits
- Jefferson County group up in arms over choice of routes
- Uganda highlights small-scale hydropower generation amid power shortage
- Dominion Virginia Power's plan draws skepticism from some of Virginia's legislators
- Southland site pick for wind farm
- Aviary tracking raptors to find safe sites for wind turbines
- Electricity study loses its spark
February 2007 News Story Index
- Bangladeshi government implements electricity rationing to cope with power crisis
- Researchers say Michigan needs to develop clean energy
- OPG estimates 1.5 billion dollars for coal scrubbers
- Energy Electricity generator seeks nuclear allies
- Chardan South China Acquisition Corp. acquires ChinaÂ’s leading power generation distribution company
- Nuclear Safety Commission grants local plants 5-year licences
- Canada's heavy-water reactors can run on spent fuel from most light-water reactors
- Centrica customers 'coming back' Profits fall less than expected as utility lost a million customers last year
- Hydropower firm eyes rival
- Cleaner Coal Is Attracting Some Doubts
- Coal power likely to be an issue in election
- County refuses to pay light bill
- Cow power coming to homes
- Crane falls on west Michigan power plant
- Kyoto program 'gutted' by Tories
- Gore overuses hydro, critic says
- Plan to put 19 wind turbines in an area of Highland County, Virginia has prompted debate
- Demand for Uninterrupted Power Drives Southeast Asian Generator Sets Market
- Approving power plants: Emission tax may be part of formula
- Energy firms warming to emissions cut
- The Push for Fusion Power Goes On
- GTA sitting on `gold mine'
- Gas-fuelled power plant on agenda
- Geothermal Energy Controversy In Central Oregon
- Giving Oklahoma a say in coal plants sets bad precedent, group says
- Liberals knew Kyoto a long shot
- New 400 dollar grants may keep power on
- Greenhouse gases up 90 per cent from coal stations
- Hearings under way on coal-fired power plant
- Traffic lights out after transformer fires
- Acquisition of Ark Solar positions Homeworks as Victoria's leader in home energy efficiency and comfort
- Hydro chief's 3 million dollar payout defended
- India to establish 240MW power plant in Bangladesh
- Iran vows to pursue atom project despite U.N. deadline
- Study Shows Big Job Losses Expected From Electric Rate Hikes, CUB Urges Lawmakers to Roll Back ComEd, Ameren Increases
- Malfunction causes shutdown of nuclear power reactor in South Korea
- North Korea deal reached
- Dounreay nuclear waste was dumped in the sea over a period of 20 years
- Proposed Texas power plants could harm Oklahoma's air
- Ontario claims coal-fired emissions below 1990 levels
- Ontario considers banning old-style light bulbs
- There's much riding on power plant
- Cameco and Zircatec relicensing decisions forthcoming
- Residents object to power station plans
- More radiation meds are on way
- Let the falls flow all year, federal agency told: Dam licensing hearing draws abut 100 people
- SCE eyes power contracts
- NYSEG plans to install 'smart' meters in area homes, firms
- ComEd Offers Energy Saving Information for Renters and Customers with Electric Space Heat During Frigid Winter Season
- States beat Washington to renewable energy
- Changing winds: Idaho Power releases study on impact of small wind farms
- Study Questions Prospects for Much Lower Emissions
- Official touts atomic energy
- Series of mishaps casts doubt on Swedish nuclear plants
- 45 billion dollar utility sale an environmental watershed
- TXU deal scraps plans for 8 plants
- Thin-film cells fatten solar market
- Virginia Power drops idea for calculating profit
- Power bills: How much will they rise?
- Cold weather puts demand on electricity
March 2007 News Story Index
- AMSC signs contract to develop higher power wind energy systems for Chinese market
- Montana agency releases analysis of proposed Alberta-Montana power line
- China close to deal on French reactors
- Power shortage called unlikely
- More Efficient Wind Turbine Blade Designed
- Biomass Plant to Tap Bull Market for Clean Energy
- British bill puts curbs on gas emissions
- IEEE Sets System Requirements For Broadband-Over-Powerline Standard, Issues Call For Proposals
- Library being planned around power substation
- Bush administration wants to expand nuclear waste site
- Power supply should meet summer demand
- Canada invests in carbon capture
- Canadian wind power capacity to grow tenfold by 2015
- In a Test of Capturing Carbon Dioxide, Perhaps a Way to Temper Global Warming
- Future of Clean Coal Power Tied to the Success of Carbon Capture and Storage
- Xcel's plans for clean-coal plant may grow
- State cuts Duke's expansion plans in half at Cliffside facility
- DTE Energy Services Sells Generating Unit to Indianapolis Power & Light Company
- Early daylight time backers tout energy savings, despite confusion
- Ex-Hydro boss tops salary list
- DTE's Fermi 2 plant retains Clean Corporate Citizen status
- CEO's exit costs Hydro One 5 million dollars
- GE funds power plant for India's booming cement industry
- How green is nuclear power
- City seeks first area to bury power lines
- State regulators concerned about airplane safety over proposed west Hayward sites
- Lake near power plant closed to anglers
- Houston Companies Win Contract To Build Power Plant In Kuwait
- WorldÂ’s largest-producing solar power plant inaugurated in southern Portugal
- Hydro One announces 600 million dollar transmission line
- IT outsourcing results in fewer computer hassles, energy savings
- Incentives inspire more customers to harness energy, savings from sun
- Industry fears Prime Minister's emissions plan
- Industry weighs various greenhouse gas options
- Iran will stick to atomic work
- More power to Italy on waste
- Itron Lands Largest-Ever International Meter Order
- Man blames power plants for mercury emissions into river
- North Mississippi sees surge in power plant construction
- State ulilities buy more renewable power
- Change your bulbs, Moscow tells residents
- Iran goes nuclear on new banknote
- DNR eyes rules to cut mercury emissions
- North Korea committed to disarmament pact
- Hydro One Hits Home Run with Successful Completion of Electricity Monitor Deployment in Northern Ontario
- Toronto pitched for nuclear waste dump
- Power facility proposal revealed
- N.C. Utilities Commission approves only one generator at Duke plant
- Open houses planned for wind farm project
- MP provides basics on clean-energy retrofits via a how-to video on YouTube
- Philips acquires TIR Systems
- Pickering families try to cut energy use 10 per cent
- Ameren pilot project explores converting hog manure gas to electricity
- Facts scorched in tale of two utilities
- Green utility plan grows: Madison Gas & Electric expanding popular program
- U.S. renewables standard offers mixed bag
- From wind power to biodiesel fuel, sites work to keep their attraction from melting
- TXU abused power market, report says
- Nanticoke station top polluter: Report
- Energy savings programs create revenue shortfall
- Unpaid dues lead Russia to pull help from nuke facility
- Wind farm warrants tentative approval
- We've only just begun planning energy future
- Texas Energy says it won't push TXU debt on transmission side
- Thousands in 5 French cities protest new nuclear reactors
- United Kingdom adds more offshore wind
- Utility chiefs wary of emission limits
- 21-mile utility poll plan in Hartland Township goes to Public Service Commission
- Long wait for power over
- FuelCell to provide 1 MW for California wastewater treatment plant
- Wind, coal proposal advocates square off
- Electric Car Maker ZAP Helps California Fleets Go Green
- Zoning law had held up Gore home's solar panels
- Report: TXU Manipulated Power Market
April 2007 News Story Index
- AEP says it won't abandon coal plans
- Wisconsin Power and Light dealt wind farm setback
- Nuclear deal could cost ratepayers: Auditor
- Hydro plans to keep up with demand
- A few watts short of an idea
- Future for coal becomes brighter
- China rejects emission caps that hobble economy
- Climate change adds twist to debate over dams
- Concerns raised over mercury in light bulbs
- Contractor accused of tampering with power grid's computer system
- High court boosts bid to get coal burners to install pollution controls
- Power Bills Soar As Electric Deregulation Fails to Live Up to Its Promises
- EPA Accused of Flouting Supreme Court
- VirginiaÂ’s electric power play
- Electrocuted worker fell onto hydro wires
- Employee suffers electric shock
- Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Selects 68 Megawatts of Projects Incorporating FuelCell Energy's Ultra-Clean Power Plants
- Building industry favours net-zero energy homes
- Energy saving has huge impact: Report
- GE Wind Turbines Deliver over 1 Gigawatt of Additional U.S. Capacity in 2006
- Rebuit PSC begins hearings to probe electricity-rate rise
- Hydro One sends crews to Vermont to assist in power restoration
- Hydro rate dips, bills set to rise
- Iran boosts nuclear processing program
- Leaked Tory enviro plan promises dramatic cuts
- Electrical plant catches fire
- Assembly passes wind-power bill
- NRC says new nuclear plants should be plane-proof
- New Solar Design Traps More Light
- Taiwan power outage looms, some fear
- Brunswick prepares nuclear-fuel site
- OSHA Leaves Worker Safety in Hands of Industry
- Tory touts nuclear power
- Storm cuts power, topples trees
- Hydro rates a bargain; Orillia price among province's cheapest
- Report backs Ohio wind power
- EPA proposal adds air pollution, environmentalists say
- EDF Energies Nouvelles Announces the Order Of 150MW of Turbines From REpower
- Russia to commission first floating nuclear power plant by 2010
- Ontario goes solar
- Boxer will 'hound' Bush on emissions regulations
- Society of Energy Professionals welcomes new Hydro One board members
- REAs fight subsidized power
- Iran's uranium enrichment claims questioned
- Six Ontario utilities take 413 million kWhs off the grid since 2005
- IBM hopes new utility coalition can boost grid computing
- Wholesale Electricity Costs Down in 2006
- Wind farm threatened by climate penalty
May 2007 News Story Index
- California takes another step in fight against global warming
- Guangdong Nuclear agrees to build Anhui plant
- Advocates for cleaner energy face big obstacles in their quest to win Long Islanders' support
- Huge write-offs zap TXU earnings
- Colombia recovering from countrywide blackout
- I.B.M. to announce an advance in making chips faster and more energy-efficient
- Comverge reaches 126-MW demand reduction deal with Nevada Power
- Con Edison Urges Customers to Sign Up for e*bill and Help Plant Trees
- Six companies' allocations questioned
- Copper stolen from utility poles
- Couple sue state to limit air pollution
- DTE leader repeats call for new nuclear reactor in Michigan
- Utility employees give time off the clock: Community volunteers help animal shelter and other agencies
- ENDESA to Invest 54 Million in Modernizing Iberian Coal-Fired Plants
- Turning On the Juice in the Big Easy
- European electricity prices could rise to record levels this summer
- Windmill's excess energy will power others in North Carolina
- Electric utility may give green option: Renewable energy plan carries fee at FirstEnergy
- GE unit to invest millions in Canadian hydroelectric plant
- Silence on geothermal deafening
- Everything's coming up green
- Emissions plan could mean higher electricity prices
- LIPA riles critics by hiring an outside consultant
- Hydro One partners with Crime Stoppers to reduce metal theft
- Breakthrough hydropower technology doesn't require dam or reservoir
- IAEA reports it is less able to monitor Tehran
- Officials say criminals are posing as city workers to gain access to homes
- Incentives make the turbines go round
- India to buy wind technology
- Indiana poised to adopt minimum federal mercury emissions goals
- Ending India's energy drought
- Shearon Harris gave answers to tests
- Italy faces wind opposition
- Energy Saving Tower Type Oil Pump Driven by Permanent Magnetic Linear Motor
- NPPD studies more wind power
- New CANDU 6 power plant achieves first sustained nuclear reaction
- Westar's new president aims to keep the lights on, the public happy
- Utility rethinks customer service after news report
- Utilities develop new strategies: Power companies ready for hurricanes
- Record-breaking HV submarine cable coming to Wolfe Island
- An Old Steel Mill Retools to Produce Clean Energy
- Ontario to push clean energy
- Ordinance would darken businesses' overnight lights
- Smart meters to cut fuelbills
- Power giant keeps price cuts for profit
- Power lines spark summer of discontent in area communities
- Power outage hits Wesley Medical Center
- Proposed transmission corridor brings more than 100 to meeting
- Proposed power plant gets no static at meeting
- Power line not needed, report says
- Turbines spinning power, problems
- 2006 Shutdown Spurs Call For Investigation of Nuclear Cybersecurity
- Solar EnerTech Ships First Container of Solar Modules to Africa
- Solar-powered boat completes Atlantic voyage
- Solar energy helps pay bills at aviary
- More rules needed for wind power, study concludes
- Survey urges switch to renewable power sources
- TVA plant signals start of nuclear renaissance
- Hydro pay packages unplugged
- South Korea to have world's top solar plant
- 2015 set as gases deadline
- Utilities spent big on lawmakers
- Wal-Mart Goes Solar
- Westar Energy CEO announces retirement
- Woman dies after power cut to oxygen pump
June 2007 News Story Index
- Alberta proposes splitting regulator into two separate agencies
- Brisk sales of backup generators have towns awaiting permit filings
- Turkey-manure power plant raises stink with environmentalists
- Load Management Standards May Facilitate Effectiveness of Demand Response Programs
- Utility-line accidents increasing: Workers are asked to call before digging
- China rejects capping gas emissions
- China now worst on carbon dioxide
- By the Year of 2020, the Amount of Installed Generation Capacity of Hydropower All over China Will Reach 270 Million
- Chinese power producer to cut spending
- Chinese supplier of wind power equipment plans IPO
- City's effort earns free solar energy
- An ugly battle over clean power
- Valley power play over coal continues
- OEB issues code amendments for the Smart Metering Initiative transition period
- East Toledo, Oregon coking plant project told to share generated steam power
- Colorado Bend Energy Center starts generating electricity
- CN Tower's new look
- FPL Energy files to build in Texas
- Public Utility Commission officer says electric competition is here to stay
- Complete Energy selling power plant
- Playing electrical Russian roulette
- Costs cited for coal-to-gas plant
- Electricity Credit Program Launched
- Talks over proposed coal-fired power plant south of D-FW rile Dallas mayor
- Energy expert urges efficiency over adding capacity
- FERC's New Market-Based Rate Reforms Prevent Exercise Of Market Power
- PSC nixes plan for coal-fired power plant
- G8 leaders make non-binding green deal
- Greenhouse gas emissions rise among G8 nations
- Waste Management taps clean power from garbage
- GreenVolts Signs Utility Deal
- Active Power to Showcase Green Critical Power Solutions at China Eco Expo
- Cleaner plant emissions could up demand for high sulfur coal
- Oregon Regulators Approve Rate Hikes for Some Smaller Electricity Users
- IESO appeals for reduced electricity consumption in the GTA
- Developer says investors will loan 3.5 billion for proposed nuke plant in Southwest Idaho
- Lakefront offers two ways to save electricity costs
- House approves 50 million dollar fund to create international nuclear fuel bank
- Iran: WeÂ’ll launch nuclear plant in October
- Joining power grid no easy switch: 3 with own turbines face hassles as PUCO figures pay formula
- Universal Powerline Association (UPA) and OPERA Announce Joint Agreement on Powerline Access Specification
- Kentucky has already committed 2.4 million to coal plants
- MWH Awarded Three Ohio Hydroelectric Projects
- MacyÂ’s to Install Solar Power in 26 Stores While Significantly Reducing Energy Consumption
- Detectives taped, followed man accused in 1.4 million dollar theft from Duke Energy
- More challenges leveled at power line
- 3,000 more families to get help in paying higher bills
- Northwestern Ontario Hydro project approved for Crown land
- Nuclear regulators side with Progress
- National Grid CEO backs a bright idea: conservation
- High Goals for Reducing Emissions in New Jersey
- Much assumed in plan to close coal-fired plants
- NYC power outage snarls traffic, trains
- NorthWestern Announces Montana-Idaho Transmission Line
- Ottawa approves plan to bury nuclear waste
- Ontario offers tax break on Energy Star products
- Ontario Liberals promise to close coal plants by 2014
- Ontario to cut hydro salaries
- Town fights plant
- PJM electric gridÂ’s watchdog says he was muzzled
- Public Utilities Commission headquarters set to go off grid and minimize carbon footprint
- Pakistan building nuclear reactor: Watchdog
- Electricity consumption is increasing
- Energy magnate's wife to get 184 million in divorce
- KansasÂ’ reliance on coal for power shows in emissions
- Toronto schools to power up rooftops
- Scientists call for more research on coal
- Smart meters a ‘trap’
- Energy recycled by using sound to convert heat into electricity
- High-wire squirrels torch man's home twice in 8 days
- North Carolina: Senate Panel Gives First OK to Renewables, Efficiency Bill
- 30,000 without power after storm
- Advocates urging summer break for poor's utility bills
- Underground alternative: Some say Dane County power line should be buried
- Famed Texas ranches scrap over wind energy
- Ayer mulls starting local utility
- Two towns phasing out meter readers
- Campaign aims to lower power use in peak times
- Canadian Wal-Marts Dim Lighting to Conserve Energy
- Malcolm Watson Named Chair of NAED'S 2008 Centennial Celebration Committee
- Utility, wind farmer reach deal: No upgrade required for wind farm
July 2007 News Story Index
- AREVA Applauds Constellation Energy and EDF Joint Venture
- AREVA to power ALCANÂ’s new plant in Canada
- Beleaguered Alberta energy regulator faces three probes over spying
- Direct Energy Forms Alliance to Make Canadian Buildings Energy Efficient
- Ameren buries hopes for buried power lines, puts efforts into tree trimming
- Automatic standby generators selling briskly this year
- Massive blackout hits Spain
- California power grid now sees adequate generation
- Power for California Launches Clean Nuclear Power Ballot Measure with the Attorney GeneralÂ’s Office
- Pacific Power to Convert Coal Mine to Wind
- Coal-fired electricity exports criticized
- Energy bill hits snag in House: Critics foresee more power plants
- Businesses weigh power co-op plan
- Alcoa bid for power called boggling
- Dominion Seeks Approval for Power Station in Southwest Virginia
- Drought hits TVA power production
- Surging Power Demand Boosts Steam and Gas Turbines Market in Central and Eastern Europe
- Campaign offers tips on choosing energy supplier
- U.S. FERC member Moeller is a bit "impatient" with demand response
- Lack of incentives means absence of solar arrays
- Utility outline show bids would work
- Energetic progress on energy in Florida
- Former Westar executive seeks to have utility held in contempt
- Customers left in the dark more often than others in California
- GE Energy Wins Contracts for New Power Plants in Middle East
- Fire at nuclear plant in Germany reignites debate about exit from nuclear power
- Research Breakthrough Spurs Octillion to Accelerate Development of Glass Windows Able to Generate Power
- Global warming gives nukes new energy
- Clean coal misleading, says Greenpeace
- Japan to allow IAEA inspection of quake-damaged nuclear plant
- IBM Establishes Global Center for Excellence for Nuclear Power
- India sets year-end deadline for blueprint on tackling global warming
- Iran okays UN nuclear inspections
- Nuclear leak worse than initially thought
- Kansas seeks to rely on both coal and wind to generate power
- Democrats say bill on energy plant incentives now more likely to pass
- Utilities prepare for major projects: Landholders told of infrastructure plans
- Landowners worry about bulldozed rights as Hydro One plans 180 km power line
- iPods plus lightning equals injury
- America's dirtiest power plants
- Tacoma utilities boss to take job in D.C.
- Mohawk Fine Papers Now Largest Purchaser of Windpower in U.S. Paper Industry
- Mojave mirrors to provide solar power
- Power plant idea counts on big break
- New York electric costs increase at nearly double the national average
- Mayor says National Grid failed to communicate properly with Troy officials
- New York power prices jump 12 per cent
- New Toronto plant will deliver power to the people
- Nuclear inspectors say North Korea cooperating
- OPG rapped for reactor breach
- OPG is the real test for pay-cut call
- Court considers objections to power plant
- Ontario seeks comment on law to close coal plants
- Ontario must wean itself off energy imports: Tories
- Pickering woes fuel debate
- High Voltage Solar Power Controversy
- Protest planned against proposed uranium mine
- Deadly Japan quake causes nuclear leak
- Major holes found in renewable energy bill
- CIBC Report suggests prices will double with coal plant closures
- Climate change options range from nuclear energy to retiring coal power plants, planting trees
- Officials await Senate OK to fund unique power plant
- Smart Meters Could Revolutionize Summer Living
- Increased Use of Solar Power Could Add 123,000 New Jobs by 2030
- Solar power wins enthusiasts but not money
- Spain Approves Installation Of Offshore Wind Farms
- Brief power outage affects 5,500
- Taiwan opts for coal-fired power plants
- Power grid talks sought
- HP's Thermal Zone Mapping helps keep datacenters cool, energy-efficient
- Vibrations good for harvesting power
- UN confirms North Korea shut nuclear plants
- PSC seeks utilities' records
- Legislature wants Virginians to cut their electricity usage by 10 per cent over 15 years
- Wood creates golden opportunity: creating power, fertilizer, roads
- Water levels peak at China's Three Gorges Dam
- Plant earns high-powered honor: Coal group lauds safety, efficiency
- Turbine shortage to leave some Scottish communities in the dark
August 2007 News Story Index
- Board enacts controls on wind farms
- Atikokan co-gen plant signs power purchase agreement
- Bruce A Restart and Refurbishment project expanded
- Team CANDU New Brunswick to Conduct Feasibility Study for Second Nuclear Power Plant at Point Lepreau
- AECL Awarded Preventative Maintenance Contract For Qinshan Power
- California plan would pay utilities more if energy use falls
- California unplugs Utah power boost
- Claims of structural problems at Cameco refuted
- Where will our power come from?
- With coal production, cleaner skies could mean more landfills
- Coal plant foes lose court ruling
- Ontario Power Authority's Conservation Fund supports innovative pilot projects
- Duke says conservation working
- OEB Invites Input on Stray Voltage
- Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro and Newfoundland Power Rank Highest in Customer Satisfaction
- Small surcharge can make big difference
- Sparks fly over national electrical grid
- Debate about to begin on deregulation
- Power rival of BGE falters
- N.W.T. opens negotiations on hydro project with diamond miners
- 50 Dirtiest U.S. Power Plants
- Power plants to replace police guards with OPG armed security force
- Energy Bill Aids Expansion of Atomic Power
- Energy-wise legislation passed by House
- Zero-emission nuclear still radioactive rhetoric to environmentalists
- FPL adds more wind generation to portfolio
- Faulty readers cause billing errors
- 'Dead-end' Austrian town blossoms with green energy
- Greens vow to helps schools produce own clean energy
- Greenpeace boards coal ship in Lake Erie
- Groups pitch greener energy plan for Ontario
- Toronto to bake under heat, power suppliers worried
- Heat pushing up electricity bills
- Texas power grid braces for record electric use
- Let's see why grid watchdog barked
- Brutal temperatures bring grid brownout, higher death risk
- Elsinore water to gin up hydroelectric power
- Hydro plan generates controversy
- A towering problem
- Utility plans to double wind power in Iowa
- Environmentalist differed on LIPA wind plan
- Loblaws powers down its stores
- Public praises city for coal about-face
- A megawatt saved is a 'negawatt' earned
- New York Street Lights Carry High Stray Voltage
- The curious carbon offset market
- OPA Officially Files Proposed 20-Year Plan
- The OPA's nuclear vision
- U.S. coal plants major health threat, Ontario says
- Ontario seeks to double 'green' power supply
- PJM Ends Mid-Atlantic Voltage Reduction
- PPL to sell propane, distribution businesses
- Planned power line upsets Rockvale residents
- Power plant officials say ‘dirtiest’ list data outdated
- Past in play for power plant
- Praxair to unveil new coal-burning process
- San Carlos program aims to increase solar power use
- Public can weigh in on proposed Botetourt power line routes
- Utility's six Illinois sites release too much soot, U.S. says
- Edison testing 'smart' meter that can communicate with customers' computers
- New transmission lines: Worth the high cost?
- Tidal-power research under way
- U.S. Talks Green but backs Fossil Fuel
- Reviving Uranium City's nuclear past
- Utility will pay you for power
- Ocean Waves Can Be Effectively Harnessed Through New Wave-Pump Technology
September 2007 News Story Index
- AECL Signs Memorandum of Understanding with China and Argentina for CANDU Projects
- Sustainable Development Technology Canada Announces Latest Call for Clean Technology Funding Applications
- Mitsubishi Heavy and Areva to develop nuclear plant
- Region faces energy quandary
- Southern Saskatchewan hit by massive blackout
- Boy Survives 8,000 Volts After Grabbing Power Line
- California utility pressing for Arizona link
- Canada Joins ‘Anti-Kyoto’ Club
- AMSC Receives for Follow-up Order for Chinese Wind Turbines
- Coalition Opposes Power Station
- Supreme Court to Hear Case from Energy Crisis
- Duncan Ratepayers Receive a Shock
- Price rise blowing in the wind: Demand for green energy causes shortage
- Duke going after improper pumpers
- OPA program will help businesses in Elora and Fergus
- Gretzky plugs electric hockey skates
- FERC relieves BPA of reactive power compensation obligations
- FLIR Technology Solutions Will Help Refineries and Utilities Reduce Risk of Explosions, Fines, Global Warming
- Wind turbine doubles as tribute to family
- Farmer protests power plant
- Force utilities to cooperate, MEA requests
- Deal signed for Chernobyl shelter
- Nuclear plant testing gets OK
- GEUS shows steady growth in electric, cable and Internet usage
- Tories mum on nuclear waste proposal
- Government faces lawsuit over Kyoto targets
- Daniels urged to oppose coal plant
- Green energy project will help city reduce greenhouse gases
- Solar group backs DayStar relocation
- Green Party calls for halt to uranium mining
- Killer heat wave bakes California
- Hydro One's Smart Meter Project wins North American award
- ING Will Use Wind Energy Credits
- ISO Thanks Californians for Conservation
- NRC Eyes Penalties for NY Nuclear Plant
- Interest in nuclear plants on the rise
- Iran's nuclear program closed issue: Ahmadinejad
- Utility Service, Meters In Legislative Spotlight
- Liberals Slammed on Energy, Hydro rates
- Coal plant draws applause
- FPL unveils plans for a solar plant
- Rising global coal demand seen lifting U.S. mining companies
- Dutch adding more wind turbines
- NASA Moon Base would run on Solar Panels
- Utilities test new routing system
- Nonprofit companyÂ’s energy vision lights Nicaraguan villages' future
- Indian PM says nuclear deal with US vital to India's economic future
- Nuclear Plant Guards Filmed Asleep on the Job
- Nuclear Reactor Applications Expected
- Dion criticizes Tories over nuclear waste program
- Early Coal Plant Phase-out Can be Achieved
- OEB posts September's Regulated Price Plan Variance Settlement Factor
- Guidelines Proposed for Smart Meter Pilots
- Office Depot to Build LEED-Certified Store
- FERC creates Office of Electric Reliability
- Ohio can be leader with 'power play'
- Missed energy opportunities
- A bright energy future without coal or nuclear
- Tory unveils plan to clean Nanticoke smoke
- Utility helps Habitat for Humanity go solar
- California Utility to Become Biggest in Solar
- Power Workers' Union launches new Better Energy Plan Website
- Statewide energy efficiency plan urged
- Power plant decides to burn natural gas instead of coal
- Plant would turn waste to energy
- Solar Program to Assist Homeowners
- Metro-North stands by century-old system as it replaces its power lines
- Megawatt Penalty for Rocket Attack
- Private Electricity Producers Receive State Backing
- Schneider helps Virginia Tech with Advanced Research
- Long Island may get Smaller Piece of Savings Pie
- Three Schools Launch Project to Build Solar Home
- Squirrel behind power outage?
- Struggling with Coal Mining Safety
- Dirty energy threatens health of 2 billion: study
- Syria denies nuclear goal
- TVA may build two nuclear reactors
- PUC staff recalculates penalty in alleged market manipulation
- Utility Bills May Drop Next Year
- Texas PUC talks wind power
- Nuclear plant plans draw out proponents, opponents
- Wind Tower Proposal Considered Near
- Turbine Spat to be Heard in State Court
- Two utilities pull out of Big Stone II power plant
- U.S. Pressed to Act on Climate Change
- Used nuclear energy could be on its way here
- Coal plant may hurl Utah into climate fight
- Utilities team up to sell 'green power' in South Carolina
- Utility spends 780,000 dollars to lobby feds
- Video Shows Hacker Hit on Power Grid
- Canada wind industry grows amid opposition storm
- Yemen Signs Deal to Build Nuclear Power Plants
October 2007 News Story Index
- Alstom takes the initiative on CO2 capture
- AEP-PSO submits bill for storm damage
- 3MÂ’s ACCR Helps Boost Capacity for Shanghai
- AltaLink Calls for New Transmission Planning Strategy
- Canadian Hydro announces new COO
- How much can wind power the grid
- ChinaÂ’s green energy gap
- Turning black coal green
- Rail line into Montana coal country approved
- Pondering ComEdÂ’s future
- OEB seeks comment
- Concerns about coal's future
- Plan to cut power to Gaza short-circuited
- Enbridge deal with Hydro puts studio back on track
- DIA going solar with high-tech system
- New downtown HQ dims lights overnight
- Tougher water limits predicted
- Duke customers argue they are owed more
- Dynergy CFO to settle fraud charges
- Enersource saga over for now
- Time to ditch Kyoto, experts urge
- Federal regulators can overrule on transmission routes
- Unreliable power means diesel for HP data center
- Almost half of UK reactors shut down
- Proposed coal plants caught in CO2 debate
- Kempton appointed to Idaho PUC
- USEC, Korea sign new fuel supply contract
- Leak forces Palo Verde to shut one reactor
- Power lines needed to prevent blackouts
- Peak performance in San Francisco
- Sensicast to manage solar power for first Net Zero Electric building
- OEB approves Brampton transmission facilities
- OEB Announces Reduction in Prices
- OaklandÂ’s solar power efforts recognized
- Ontario using less power
- Advancing Clean Coal Technology
- Decision on power plant creates concerns
- Planet's tallest building gets power transfer
- Progress Energy CEO McGehee dies
- EERC tells of renewables' promises, challenges
- Governor, ranchers welcome the wind
- Going green without the sting
- Romanian CANDU Project at full power
- IranÂ’s nuclear program must be transparent
- Great Plains Energy shareholders approve Aquila purchase
- Ripped solar wing adds to shuttle mission woes
- OEB Consulting Farmers on Stray Voltage
- Substation Transformer Standard Approved
- DC Tie between Texas and Mexico commissioned
- Cyberthreats said to be increasing against grid
- Radioactive byproduct in groundwater at nuke plant
- UI, N.J. utility to generate power
- UNÂ’s Ban worried about IranÂ’s nuclear progress
- SCE races to repair wildfires' damage
- Activists oppose wood-burning power plant
- Electrical workers say no to DTE pact
November 2007 News Story Index
- AMI and GIS generate big savings for Unitil
- AREVA and China strengthen links
- Activists, utilities duel over powerlines again
- Alameda helps rental owner go solar
- Appeal to lower bills loses
- Putting a pricetag on emissions
- Coal-fired plants still possible
- Power bills could drop if utilities merge
- Biomass gasification plant set for Massachusetts
- Atlantic City ElectricÂ’s Blueprint for the Future
- Bomb spotted at Arizona nuclear plant
- SoCal halts plans for buildings under power lines
- French nuclear agency to sell Areva stake
- CURB: Did Sebelius exert influence?
- California ISO allocates 10-year transmission rights
- Report calls for moratorium on new coal plants
- Cameco closer to UF6 plant restart
- OPAÂ’s Jan Carr wins OPE Award
- Questions surround China dam project
- China to surpass U.S. in CO2 utility emissions
- Energy Quest to build clean coal plants in India
- Coal dependency hits environment
- Power plant concerns analysts
- PUC cools to idea of clean coal plant
- PUC commissioners visit Comanche plant
- Con Edison ordered to pay for poor services
- Nuclear plant raises concerns
- Thefts of copper becoming common
- Copper wire thieves risking electrocution
- Councillors quit hydro board
- NYC pulls plug on DC service
- Dairies convert waste into biogas
- Three Gorges Dam not cause of landslides
- Darlington expansion years away
- Supervisors to discuss power line
- Mike Deering to join LIPA
- Little to be done about emissions
- Program discounts solar for the poor
- Three dead in Dominion power plant accident
- Dominion beats goal of 150,000 bulbs
- Duke Energy fights rising pollution bill
- Commission panel to review Eastshore plant
- Egypt plans nuclear power plants
- Europe pays to ship U.S. coal as price sinks
- European Commission plans for deregulation
- Harnessing the power of ocean waves for energy
- Conference on Farm Stray Voltage
- Power transmission complex, costly
- Fire traps workers beneath Colorado power plant
- UBS raises its price forecasts for coal
- Hydro One names Formusa President and CEO
- Coal facility would showcase new technology
- Stirring GE's Ecomagination
- GE Business Unit grows in India
- GM to launch Volt by 2010
- Orlando utility shelves coal-gasification plant
- Giant power line planned
- GoogleÂ’s next frontier: Renewable Energy
- Pulling Duke into the green
- Greenpeace to fight new Brazilian nuclear plant
- Won't repeat Kyoto error: PM
- FPL gives homeowners an energy makeover
- Hydro One partners with four Ontario colleges
- Ontario hydro hike sought
- Iran and IAEA not seeing eye to eye
- Relay and Underground cable power standards approved
- IEA forecasts for energy demand in India, China
- Nuclear power to explode in India
- Internet 'brownouts' feared
- Deregulation – is competiton the answer?
- NYISO, PJM Joint Operating Agreement approved
- Eskom resorts to land expropriation
- Power plant crippled by lightning
- Flider touts law allowing greater public input
- Customers looking to rentable solar panels
- Make your meters accessible
- How the media fell for Port Hope nuke tests
- State consider seven coal plants
- Norway to build first miniature seawater power station
- Minnesota wind farm, transmission line dedicated
- Solar trend catches fire
- More residents embrace wind power
- Kentucky PSC looking for more reliability data
- Rising fear of UK energy crisis this winter
- New York needs power plants
- Nuclear watchdog group names new director
- Coal denial bad news for wind energy
- Plan for nuclear storage Is slow to form
- Idaho nuke planners buy renewable firm
- Chief Energy Conservation Officer issues Annual Report
- OPG firing range gets shot down
- Ohio senate approves electric rate plan
- Ontarians urged to embrace energy conservation
- Government caught in rate battle
- PPL eyes jump-start power
- PSE steps up efforts against copper thieves
- House committee inquires about nuclear energy
- Power line may trigger surge in rates
- Bradley wants zero-emission cars
- Port Hope residents release nuclear report
- Resin Systems a part of Circuit of the Future
- Hybrid power plant on schedule
- Russia poised to ship nuclear fuel to Iran
- Say humbug to an energy-wasting holiday season
- Smart meters coming into Port Hope
- Solar-driven macro base station deployed in Indonesia
- Big solar power planned for California coast
- South Africa pushes solar traffic lights
- Utilities send specialists to conduct audits
- Eastern states reject transmission corridor
- Storm causes west coast outages
- Power out as Noel strikes the Maritimes
- 4,000 jobs possible in renewable energy: study
- Sweden turns to the wind
- TVA intends to meet the energy demand
- Going tankless to save energy
- The environmental cost of Three Gorges
- Debating the merits of energy from air
- Beloit gearing up for wind farm
- Website tracks worst polluting power plants
- Avista to trade carbon credits for cash
- Turkish parliament OKs nuclear construction
- Fibrowatt turns chicken waste into power
- Inniskillin turns wine leftovers into energy
- Deeply green city confronts energy needs
- Tiny utility grew into a power giant
- Swedish nuclear group to boost safety
- Winter power will be reliable: NERC
- The woman behind Areva
December 2007 News Story Index
- Isotope shortage blamed on AECL
- Atomic Energy chair steps down
- AECL committed to returning NRU reactor to service
- AREVA opens North American Center of Excellence
- ATCO to build transmission line in Alberta
- Amnesty program promotes energy efficient LEDs
- Keep clean coal plants for state's power needs
- Huge solar plant in the works
- Bill could affect state's permit process for coal plants
- Biomass energy gets a boost
- Bruce Power looks to Alberta nuclear plant
- CEAÂ’s PresidentÂ’s Award of Excellence
- Chretien points finger at Martin over Kyoto
- Edison too slow to respond, cities say
- UN climate forum opens in Bali
- Coalition says abandon smart metering
- Reregulating power
- Activists want cooling towers in Oak Creek
- Neighbours confident of Deep River reactor
- Microfield Group to provide demand response for PJM
- EPCOR Tower at Station Lands new HQ
- During the holiday period, the Electrium welcomes you
- Emissions target will have to wait
- Employee accused of wire theft
- Failed experimental energy plant costs millions
- Hospitals seek isotope as Ottawa pushes to restart reactor
- Energy efficiency kits go to First Nations
- Coal ash more radioactive than nuclear waste
- Food Banks go green
- Gear problems shut down wind turbines
- Idaho Power buys geothermal energy
- Smart grid pioneer an award winner
- United Way, Ontario utilities help those in need
- How you can get help with power repairs
- High stakes at Bruce Power
- Toronto cuts holiday lighting by almost 2 megawatts
- China, India urged to curb energy use
- Indian left issues new threat over nuclear deal
- IranÂ’s nuclear plant may not start before 2009
- Israelis dispute IranÂ’s nuclear program
- GE gas turbines to power Kuwaiti power
- Dump Kyoto, save lives
- Orillia should watch LED experiment
- Manufacturers skip Boise due to lack of power
- Light-water and heavy-water reactors can coexist
- B.C. looks to tree debris for power
- Sweden proposes fourfold increase in wind
- NERC to gather Transmission Availability Data in 2008
- Lights out for oil-rich Nigeria
- Congress expands nuclear-loan guarantee program
- 1978 law at center of profit debate
- Ottawa to force reactor restart
- 105 dead in China mine explosion
- PM hints heads could roll on reactor shutdown
- Utility to boost peak power by 2010
- Convenience trumped nuke safety
- Top polluters oppose caps in Bali
- Power Up Your Career targets young adults
- Power outages continue to hamper Kansas communities
- Progress Energy looks at improving efficiency
- The reactor with the retro feel
- Reactor snag delays cancer care
- Chalk River reactor returns to service
- Health Minister touts reactorÂ’s safety
- Report cautions against radical change
- Energy Bill hits road bump in senate
- Homespun power from wind
- Santa and Friends call for action
- Sault Ste. Marie to become a solar city
- Scientists turn up heat on world leaders
- No recouping for utility
- SkyPower to build wind power project in Fermeuse
- Solar firm building plant in Las Vegas
- Mitsubishi Electric solar panels to power food bank
- Reid calls for solar plant at site of closed station
- Solar energy to power pumping station
- Utility shut-offs blocked by state
- TVA may fix up HQ to cut costs
- Generating capacity adequate next year
- AECL served a purpose, now it's time to sell it
- Ottawa too partisan on emissions
- TTC rockets toward green
- TradeUp for Success goes national
- Owners bristle as Progress chops trees
- Turn off and tune out on Earth Day
- All UK homes could be wind powered by 2020
- Bids for nuclear power soar
- Man starts power company to undersell major utilities
- Utility examines possible nuclear site in Idaho
- Utility wants public to pay for smart meters
- Wave park to provide power
- State sues U.S. over pole transformers
- Web site shows effects of mining
- Will your wind turbine work?
- More farmers seeing wind as cash crop
- Residents cheer wind farm cancellation
- Illinois picked for zero-carbon coal plant
- Arc Flash Analysis/Study
- Short Circuit Study & Protective Device Coordination
- Power System Fundamentals
- Power Transformer Maintenance Training
- Electrical Safety Awareness Training For Non Electrical Workers - Live Online Instructor-Led Training
- NFPA 70e Training
- Electrical Troubleshooting Training
- Arc Flash Training - CSA Z462 Electrical Safety
- NFPA 70b Training - Electrical Maintenance
- Fire Alarm Training
- High Voltage Safety Training
- Combined CSA Z462 LV & HV Electrical Safety Training
- 30 Hour Electrical Power System Training - Power System Fundamentals, Short Circuit Study & Device Coordination, Arc Flash Analysis
- Solar PV System Design
- Renewable Energy Grid Integration
- MV & HV Circuit Breaker Maintenance Training